How To Be Happier, Right Now


1. Log-out of Facebook. There’s nothing there that you couldn’t find some other way. Someone else’s happy day doesn’t invalidate your average run of the mill Tuesday. You don’t need to compete with your friends. Don’t just close the window, log-out. Delete the app. You’ll find you aren’t missing anything. Did you read the article about Facebook manipulating your news feed to see your emotional responses? (Article here) It’s not surprising in any way, and there is a way to not let it affect you. It’s called logging out. Or for bonus point, just delete it (full disclosure: I’m not at this point yet, but getting closer every day).

2. Look in the mirror and compliment yourself. Is your hair looking extra silky today? Is your skin clear? Maybe you have a beauty mark that distinguishes you from everyone else. Tell yourself you’re beautiful. Believe the words. If you want to change something? Change it. If you want pastel pink hair and you’re worried people will think you’re copying everyone else out there with pastel pink hair? Who cares? If it will make you ultimately happier and if makes you feel you, then you ought to do it. If you need makeup to feel beautiful, wear it. If you never wear makeup, flaunt it. This is your face, your body, and your life – embrace the person that you are today and you’ll be happier for it.

3. Leave some moments to yourself. It’s hard in this digital social sharing age to not just hop on Twitter or Facebook or even text a friend when something really good happens to you. When someone does something kind for you, or perhaps you do something kind for someone else. When someone makes you feel like the world revolves around you. It’s so tempting to just tell the world about this great moment. It feels like you are immortalizing it forever. But there is something about savoring that moment and holding it inside that feels better, trust me. No one is going to confuse you with someone who is trying to humble brag and that moment remains yours. That great first date. The free coffee you scored at Starbucks accidentally. The number on the scale doing down a couple digits. Life is wonderful and sometimes it’s better to just feel those feelings, rather than try to get others to feel them with you. This goes hand in hand with #1.

4. Make some goals! (But keep them to yourself: TED Talk about why) To me there is nothing better than checking something off a to-do list, and a goal is just a bigger version of that. Do you want to read 10 books before summers end? Do you want to do a couch to 5k? Do you want to learn how to play the ukulele? Save up money to go to Chile? It doesn’t matter. Personal goals. Professional goals. Whatever kind of goal you have – now is the time to make it a priority for you. Just think how good it will feel when you shut that 10th book or cross that finish line.

5. Make plans. Do you and your best friend have conflicting schedules? Is it hard to get together with the friend that pushes you to be better? Make time. Don’t just assume it can’t happen. Have breakfast before work. Grab a coffee in-between school and your yoga class. Have a late night drink and catch up for an hour or two. It might make you a bit tired the next day, but it will make your soul so much happier. Surrounding yourself with positive people will make you more positive, too. Their successes will make you want your own success. You’re friends for a reason and it shouldn’t be relegated to just sending funny memes on Facebook or text updates of your life. There’s something about hugging your good friend and being able to update them on your life or talk about your passions. It feels good to connect.


Here’s to happiness,


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